
Flooding causes widespread and severe economic damage to properties, assets, and infrastructure worldwide, alongside major social impacts to communities. This is only expected to worsen under climate change.

The insurance, financial services, and property sectors need cutting-edge risk intelligence to identify, plan and manage the risk to their portfolios – now and in the future.

That’s where JBA’s world leading global flood data can help you – we’re the only organisation in the market to offer comprehensive flood risk insights for every country in the world.

We also partner with International Development organisations around the world, using this unique global flood data to help mitigate the risk and safeguard people and communities.

Insurance and Reinsurance

We help global insurance and reinsurance organisations understand and manage financial loss from flood across their portfolios, from risk selection to pricing and parametric triggers.

Property and lending

We provide data to clients across the housing sector, helping them assess risk on mortgages, lending, property surveying and valuation.

Asset management

Our models are used across the financial industry, helping clients respond to regulatory requirements, sustainability targets and more.

International Development

We partner with organisations across International Development initiatives to understand flood risk and safeguard people and communities.

Bespoke services

Every business is different and so too are its flood risk management needs.
From individual site risk assessments and portfolio optimisation to unique model builds, our specialist team of consultants can create tailored services to manage your unique risks at any location in the world.



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We take your privacy seriously. We will securely store the data that you share. We will not share your data with any third party.