Flood Foresight provides a forecast view of flood for a proactive approach to event response, enabling the application of mitigation measures and facilitating insight to potential loss estimation.
Flood Foresight is a system that provides flood inundation, depth and impact data before, during and after flood events. It provides a globally scalable framework for integrating the best available data for understanding flood events, including flood hazard maps, rainfall forecasts, hydrological models, river levels and flows, and earth observation. Once the event subsides, we can use Flood Foresight and observational data to develop a maximum flood footprint (extent and depths) across the event. Watch the video.
Flood Foresight can be used for:
Learn how we used Flood Foresight in recent UK Flood Events, 'Forecasting a change in flood risk management'. and to reflect on Storm Desmond much earlier.
For a demonstration or more information on how you could use Flood Foresight please get in touch.
Our suite of high-resolution catastrophe models and event sets utilise the latest science to assess the potential severity and frequency of flood losses to global property portfolios.
Our market-leading high-resolution global flood maps and analytics enable users to understand and manage their flood risk, using the latest research and innovation.
We work on a bespoke basis to offer unique solutions to your flood risk problems, from single site assessments and flood defence design to portfolio optimisation and tailored model builds, working with you to meet your needs.
Our specialist event response team monitors global conditions to provide expert commentary, guidance and data for major flood events, allowing you to understand the impact on your business.