
Our pricing data (previously known as Annual Damage Ratio data) enable technical risk pricing at an individual property level, allowing you to compare risk profiles and select the right price for the risk identified.


Our Pricing Data™ apply a comprehensive analysis of flood risk metrics that are calculated for an individual property or location. By combining this data with a property total sum insured, the annualised cost of flood damage is calculated for each location. This quantifiable output enables insurers and reinsurers to set risk-reflective pricing.

Building on the data in JBA’s Global Flood Maps, the pricing data use flood frequency, flood severity, defence information and property vulnerability analysis to produce a unique and fully quantified flood risk profile by location. Risk is expressed as an annual damage ratio (ADR®) and represents the expected annual cost of flood damage at a single location as a proportion of the sum insured.

Metrics include:

  • JBA's Global Flood Maps - used to estimate the full range of possible flood severities over thousands of years at each location. This approach provides a sufficient range of flood hazard to derive the annualised cost of flooding at an individual location level
  • Flood defences and drainage systems
  • Vulnerability functions - these relate water depth to expected damage and accommodate residential and commercial building considerations

Pricing data, when used with JBA's Global Flood Maps, enable insurers to set the right price for the risk identified, adopt a more competitive pricing structure and compare risk profiles globally.


  • UK Flood Pricing Data - river, surface water and coastal flood, 5m mapping
  • Canada Flood Pricing Data - river, surface water and coastal flood, 30m mapping
  • Australia Flood Pricing Data - river and surface water flood, 30m mapping


  • US Flood Pricing Data - river, surface water and coastal flood, 5m mapping

The availability of JBA's Global Flood Maps means that pricing data can be generated for other countries on request. Our pricing data are platform agnostic and available to use in-house or via our many resellers.

For more information on our pricing data, get in touch today or check out our global flood maps and flood ratings to find out more about our work.

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Catastrophe Models

Our suite of high-resolution catastrophe models and event sets utilise the latest science to assess the potential severity and frequency of flood losses to global property portfolios.

Maps and Analytics

Our market-leading high-resolution global flood maps and analytics enable users to understand and manage their flood risk, using the latest research and innovation.


We work on a bespoke basis to offer unique solutions to your flood risk problems, from single site assessments and flood defence design to portfolio optimisation and tailored model builds, working with you to meet your needs.

Event Response

Our specialist event response team monitors global conditions to provide expert commentary, guidance and data for major flood events, allowing you to understand the impact on your business.