Maps and Analytics

We are proud to be world leaders in the field of flood mapping and analytics, creating data used by some of the world’s largest insurers, reinsurers, brokers, governments and property sectors around the globe.


Flood is a complex physical process and unconstrained by geo-political boundaries, which makes it one of the most significant challenges facing the risk management industry today.

JBA's market-leading high-resolution global flood maps and analytics enable users to understand and manage their flood risk, using the latest scientific research and data.

Our multidisciplinary teams continuously innovate to meet market needs and our mapping methods are based on the latest peer-reviewed science.

We produce maps that are truly global and each of them is based on the same underlying methodologies, allowing you to have a consistent approach to flood risk management across the world.

Get in touch today to find out more.

Global Flood Maps

Our global flood maps provide flood extents and depths across a range of flood sources.


Our Pricing Data™ enable risk-reflective risk pricing at an individual property level for an annualised cost of flooding.

Flood Ratings

Our flood ratings enable the property search and mortgage sectors to assess portfolio flood risk and identify areas for investigation.

Flood Forecasting

Forecasting flood events hold new opportunities for all those engaged in managing flood. Learn how Flood Foresight offers additional insights for a more informed view.

We offer a range of services to help you understand and mitigate flood risk. From flood mapping and catastrophe modelling to bespoke consultations and an event response team, we’re here to help.

Catastrophe Models

Our suite of high-resolution catastrophe models and event sets utilise the latest science to assess the potential severity and frequency of flood losses to global property portfolios.


We work on a bespoke basis to offer unique solutions to your flood risk problems, from single site assessments and flood defence design to portfolio optimisation and tailored model builds, working with you to meet your needs.

Event Response

Our specialist event response team monitors global conditions to provide expert commentary, guidance and data for major flood events, allowing you to understand the impact on your business.