Event Sets

Our sophisticated event sets offer you a global view of flood loss assessments.


The Global Flood Event Set (GFES) is the cornerstone of our flood models and the first of its kind, providing a market-leading catalogue of simulated flood events on an unprecedented global scale.

Consisting of over 15 million events and utilising a unique combination of sophisticated statistical and physical modelling methods, it considers the influence of tropical cyclone, extreme precipitation and/or river discharge activity, with flood severity given across more than 90,000 precipitation locations and 146,000 river locations. Events can be defined according to various hourly clauses for analysis against specific reinsurance contract terms, with events going beyond the historical observed record to represent physically-feasible events that may occur in the future.

The GFES can be used by re/insurers to understand flood exposure at any location across the world, indicating where river (fluvial) and surface water (pluvial) flooding may occur in different regions and which locations may be affected at the same time. This enables better exposure assessment, portfolio management and stress testing.

Additionally, we have a dedicated UK Flood Event Set, with flood severity given across an even higher density of locations to represent inland and coastal flood. The density of modelled locations captures localised events contributing to attritional losses, with an average of 10.6 events per year.

We also have experience in developing bespoke event sets that couple flood with other simultaneous natural perils, such as windstorm, and our consultants can work with you to meet your individual needs.

Our event sets allow you to stress test your portfolio by selecting scenarios to perform ‘what if?’ analysis globally, build your own in-house catastrophe models and optimise your portfolio against correlated losses regionally.

For more information on our catastrophe model components, check out our flood models or get in touch.

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Catastrophe Models

Our suite of high-resolution catastrophe models and event sets utilise the latest science to assess the potential severity and frequency of flood losses to global property portfolios.

Maps and Analytics

Our market-leading high-resolution global flood maps and analytics enable users to understand and manage their flood risk, using the latest research and innovation.


We work on a bespoke basis to offer unique solutions to your flood risk problems, from single site assessments and flood defence design to portfolio optimisation and tailored model builds, working with you to meet your needs.

Event Response

Our specialist event response team monitors global conditions to provide expert commentary, guidance and data for major flood events, allowing you to understand the impact on your business.