Celebrating our 10th anniversary

"This month JBA Risk Management celebrates its 10th birthday. We’ve achieved so much in that time in both our technical and business achievements: I’ve personally had to reinvent career goals as we kept ticking them off one by one.

A huge thank you to our colleagues, clients and collaborators for their incredible support and contribution over the past 10 years. We look forward to even more engagement and excitement in the next decade. And there is still so much more to come!

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we will publish a series of blogs and articles from a handful of JBA leaders who share their experience of JBA – its science, culture, aspiration...and generally what comes next.

Thank you again.

Here’s to the next decade!"

- Simon Waller, Executive Chair, JBA Risk Management

Our 10th anniversary interview series reflects on the past decade of The Flood People, the exciting and transformative work we do within the industries and organisations that we serve, and what the future might hold: 

News &

Blog The Ongoing Journey of JBA Flood Maps

JBA global flood maps underpin many aspects of our flood risk intelligence. In this blog we highlight the importance of the continuous improvement and ongoing work to review and update flood maps for all parts of the world to achieve the most-informed results.

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News How are climate scenarios made?

Find out what's behind the alphabet soup of climate scenario names. JBA Risk Management's Head of Science, Dr Paul Young shares a technical explainer.

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News GRiP expands into flood intelligence with JBA Risk Management tie-up

South African Spatial Technology and Data Specialist GRiP partners with JBA to deliver advanced flood risk intelligence across Africa.

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News JBA Risk Management teams up with Oxford University for infrastructure study

JBA and Oxford University join forces to research the risks of climate extremes on infrastructure networks worldwide today and in the future.

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