2018 UK Flood Map

We are pleased to announce our latest UK flood mapping, updated for 2018.

Since 1998, the UK has experienced seven of the ten wettest years on record. With one in five properties at risk to flood (river, surface water and/or coastal), the impact of extreme rainfall has steadily risen. As a result, ten years after launching our JBA flood maps, we remain committed to the continued development of our UK Flood Map.

The 2018 update to the JBA UK Flood Map comprises the latest in-house scientific methodologies, integrated LiDAR data and cutting-edge software to assist risk managers in evaluating flood risk. The update focuses on our coastal maps in eastern England from Hornsea to Margate. We have incorporated new and improved datasets into the coastal model including updated extreme sea levels, using the latest sea level science; updated bathymetry data; newly derived wave overtopping rates at coastal defences; and additional defence information. Other minor updates include the annual postcode update and updates to the internal drainage boards and defended river data.

The maps have been developed at 5m resolution and model river, surface water and coastal flooding, allowing more competitive pricing through better differentiation between properties at risk for the major flood types.

Our maps are also complemented by our Defended Areas datasets, delineating areas of the UK that may be protected by defences despite being inundated in our maps. This enables clients to make business decisions according to their own risk appetite by incorporating all, some or none of the defences in their risk assessment.

The maps can be supplemented with our range of derived data providing information on flood depths and extents associated with scores used in pricing systems, as well as with our updated UK pricing data™, producing an annual damage ratio to derive a technical price for flood for any location in the country.

Find out more in our UK Flood Map executive briefing.

To find out more about our updated UK Flood Map, please get in touch.

Want to find out more about our flood mapping? Watch our video by Jill Boulton, Head of Mapping at JBA, to celebrate the tenth birthday of our flood maps.

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