Legal Information

JBA Risk Management Limited® is a wholly-owned subsidiary of JBA Group Limited.


Jane Toothill (Managing Director, JBA Risk Management Limited) BSc PhD FGS IM

Simon Waller BEng CEng MICE

Nikki Pilgrim BSc MSc Cert CII

Helen Smith BSc (Hons)

David Wood BSc MSc PhD

The Company Secretary

Craig Robson BSc PGDip MBCS

Registration details

Registered Office: 1 Broughton Park, Old Lane North, Broughton, Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 3FD

Registered in England with Company Registration No: 7732946.

VAT Registration No. GB119 6526 02


© 2011 – 2024 JBA Risk Management Limited. All material on this website is the copyright of JBA Risk Management Limited. All rights are reserved and owned by JBA Risk Management Limited or the material is included with the permission of the owner of the rights. Reproduction of this website in whole or in part, in any form or medium, without the express written permission of JBA Risk Management Limited is prohibited.

‘The Flood People®’ and JBA RISK MANAGEMENT ®/ JBA Risk Management® (word mark) (series of two) are UK registered trademarks in the name of JBA Risk Management Limited. No use of these trademarks is permitted without the express written permission of JBA Risk Management Limited.

This legal information should be read in conjunction with our other key documents: