Sustainability has always been important to JBA. We are very much aware of the impact of climate change by the very nature of the work in which we are involved. As a business, we’re determined to do everything we can to minimise the environmental impacts of our operations and activities and we’re committed to making the changes needed to reduce our resource use and cut our carbon footprint.
Our Sustainability and Environmental Management Policy sets out our objectives for environmental sustainability and our Carbon & Resource Management Plan details how we will achieve these objectives.
Guided by our plan, we aim to make positive changes across our business with the ultimate aim of becoming a Net Zero business.
We recently published our new carbon reduction plan - the JBA Net Zero Route Map – supported by a detailed Action Plan. At the core of the Route Map are ten 'Carbon Cutting Priorities' that represent the key steps we need to take to reach net zero outlined. These are outlined in the graphic below.
Cutting our emissions to zero will require everyone at JBA to work differently, making low carbon a positive choice that informs everything we do. Our Route Map and Action Plan are important steps on our journey to net zero however, we know we don't yet have all the solutions, and so our Route Map is flexible. We'll continuously refine and expand our Action Plan as needed to ensure our efforts stay on track and reach our goal.
As part of the We Mean Business Coalition, we've added our signature to over 600 other companies calling for more to be done by global leaders in advance of the G20 Summit and COP26 climate conference by:
For more information, get in touch via the website.